Hi sweet friends! Glad to be back! Here is your weekly angel card reading!
These readings will offer an overview of the week with guidance, inspiration, and joy!
{I am happy to be using the Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle Cards this week!}
M O N D A Y + T U E S D A Y
“Say positive affirmations each morning to open the gates of manifestation.”
I know you’ve already woke and crawled out of bed this morning, but pretend like you haven’t! What would you say to yourself to motivate the inner part of you that wants to shine through all day, every day? Think of these morning affirmations like your nighttime prayers/meditation/gratitude/whatever, but use them to “live from the end.” What does that mean? Saying and believing things that you want to come true as if they already are! Like…”I AM a successful and happy author!” And things of that nature 😉 Words, especially “I AM” mantras carry tremendous power…so say a few in the morning (and I’m thinking not just Monday and Tuesday!)…and see w hat magic you can manifest!
W E D N E S D A Y + T H U R S D A Y
“Let go of old guilt, and remember you’re God’s perfect child.”
This is a toughie for a lot of people. It is for me, that’s for sure. Something has been weighing on you as of late…and you’ve been treating yourself, I hate to say it, but in a way that is borderline self-abusive. Everyone (!!) makes mistakes but you cannot hold on to them like a hot coal…it will just continue to burn you and your spirit. It’s time to finally release it so you can move forward on your most beautiful path to enlightenment, abundance, love, and peace. Affirm: “I ask that all effects of my mistakes be undone in all directions of time, and I know release all guilt completely. I love my TRUE self from top to bottom.”
F R I D A Y, S A T U R D A Y + S U N D A Y
“More information is needed. Contact someone with expertise in this area.”
OK…this may seem like a very ominous card, but don’t focus on it in that way. A lot of us have been and are continuing to entering brand new territory…so we can get derailed or a little dazed and confused once in a while. And, some of us like to think we have all the answers (totally normal!)…but we don’t. So, why don’t ask for a little assistance? It is NOT a sign of weakness to ask for help, in fact, it only makes you stronger because you are willing to believe in the goodness of others! Also, this weekend, look further into a situation if it leaves you scratching your head or holding an aching heart. There is more than meets the eye, and it is up to you to uncover the mystery that holds your answer.
Let me know what you think of this weekly angel card reading! I would love your feedback. And if you put together weekly angel card readings, please comment below with your link!
Michele Bergh says
Great messages for the upcoming week! I can relate to all of them and appreciate the affirmations here.
Blair Shackle says
Oh good! Thanks Michele – wishing you a wonderful one!
Kathy Anne says
Love the Mermaid and Dolphin cards! Good messages. Thanks, Blair. Kathy
Blair Shackle says
It really is one of my favorite decks! So straightforward 🙂 Thanks Kathy!
Sue says
Blair- love your messages! I will try them out this week to bring some centering to my life. Thanks!
Blair Shackle says
SO happy to hear it! Enjoy your week!